Preparing for your appointment is just as important as following aftercare instructions. But before we get into pre-care, first read over the disclaimer to see if you are a candidate for the services we offer.
If you typically wear brow makeup you are welcome to come to your appointment with your brow makeup as you normally wear it. This will help us get an idea of what you are used to having your brows look like. Also, feel free to bring any photos of brows you love for reference. Instagram is a great place to find brow inspiration!
It is not necessary to shave or pluck off any part of your brows before your appointment and we actually prefer it if you leave them with as much natural hair as possible. If you have very little hair that is totally OK though!​
Please remember to bring your state issued ID. No children or pets allowed.
Please wait 1 month after any microneedling, chemical peels or laser resurfacing treatments to the skin. No botox or fillers near treatment area for at least 4 weeks before your procedure.
Discontinue the use of prescription strength Retin-A
Stop using any retinol, acne, and steroid creams.
No micro dermabrasion for at least two weeks before your procedure.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and glycolic acids on or around the brow area for two weeks leading up to your appointment.
No antibiotics
No steroid medications, both oral and topical
Discontinue the use of all retinoids
Discontinue taking any fish oil supplements (thins the blood).
No direct sun or tanning beds 7 days before & 30 days after. If you come in with a TAN pigments implanted in the skin it will heal darker, appear ashy and hair strokes will NOT look like hair strokes. Please keep your face covered from the sun. After your appointment it is best to wear a hat while in the sun.
No waxing.
1 day prior to appointment no alcohol, Advil, Aleve, aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E Oil. Tylenol is OK.
No caffeine, including pre workout. No working out the day of your appointment. No sweating for seven days after.
Come to your appointment well rested!
Make sure you eat something!
No caffeine
Do not exercise prior to your appointment
Feel free to bring a blanket. Some people get cold laying on the massage table.
If you wear contacts please bring a contact case or wear glasses to your appointment.
No lash growth serum 60 days before and after.
No lash extensions can be on while getting the eyeliner done. I recommend waiting 2 weeks after the finishing session to get them put back on.
No tanning 1 week prior.
No alcohol 24 hour prior.
No botox injections 1 month prior in the eye area only.
No antibiotics 2 weeks prior.
If you have EVER in your life had a cold sore or fever blister make sure to call your doctor to get on medication to take at least 3 days prior and 3 days after your lip pigmentation appointment to prevent an outbreak. The stimulation from the needle can bring out cold sores.
The week leading up to your lip blushing appointment it is very important to exfoliate and hydrate your lips. Apply a generous amount of lip balm to your lips regularly. The healthier the skin the better it will take the pigment. Feel free to bring your favorite lipstick. I'm pretty good at color matching.
No lip filler 6 weeks prior to the procedure and 6 weeks after. Please wait until after your perfecting session is healed to get filler (do not get filler or botox between your initial session and perfecting session).
No botox near the lips for 4 weeks before or after procedure.
No alcohol 24 hours prior.
No blood thinners 1 day prior.
Failing to follow these instructions may affect your results in many ways, for example, if you consume caffeine (or anything that thins the blood) during the time frame stated above, it becomes much more difficult to implant pigment into your skin. This can greatly affect your healed results, resulting in more fading and less crisp healed hairstrokes and brows. Excessive bleeding also causes causes your brows to turn ashy in color. Not following other pre-appointment instructions may also lead to your brows turning undesirable tones as they heal (ashy or reddish), or your skin not being in a state conducive to receiving a cosmetic tattoo.